2015-2019 Deena Bishop
Term 2015-2019

Deena Bishop was appointed in 2015 by Governor Walker. Regent Bishop is the superintendent of the Anchorage School District and has been an Alaska educator since 1991. Prior to being selected to lead Alaska’s largest school district, she is proud to have served as a teacher, an assistant principal, a principal, an assistant superintendent and the superintendent of the Mat-Su Borough School District.
Regent Bishop holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education with a specialization in Bilingual Education, a Master of Education degree in Administration, and a Doctor of Education degree in Learning Assessment and System Performance. Most recently she graduated from the American Association of School Administrators National Superintendents Certification two-year program, of which she was the first cohort.
Regent Bishop's teaching and educational leadership experiences have shaped her agenda, which has an unwavering focus on student achievement and success. It is her desire that all students in the State of Alaska are prepared for a successful career, military, college, or post-college experience.
Regent Bishop is active in several local and civic organizations including the Education Commission of the States, Alaska Superintendents’ Association, 90% by 2020 Partnership, Anchorage and Chugiak-Eagle River Chambers of Commerce, East Anchorage Rotary, Foraker Group, and United Way. She serves on several non-profit boards and enjoys spending time with her family, snow and water skiing, running, and interior painting. Regent Bishop has two college-age daughters, one of whom is proud to attend UAA.