FML Supervisor FAQs
If you have a question that are not answered here, please reach out to us directly at to discuss.
Please review the information in the drop down menus below depending on your situation. Reach out to with any questions.
Direct them to apply with Unum
If you have an employee who indicates that they need FML for a serious health condition
for themselves or a family member, please direct the employee to Unum so that they
may begin a claim.
Unum can be reached either online, via phone, or through their mobile application.
- Unum Website
- Unum phone number 866-779-1054
- Unum Mobile App (Google)
- Unum Mobile App (Apple)
Time and schedule
As a supervisor, you should be aware of your employees absences and direct your employees
to complete their time sheets in UAOnline and with Unum appropriately.
- UAOnline Time Recording
- Employees should use sick leave (earnings code 550) for all FML absences
- Supervisors should review time sheets on UAOnline for accuracy before approving
- Unum Time Recording
- Employees must report their FML to Unum as soon as practicable.
- Unum can be contacted online, via phone, or through their mobile application
- Unum Website
- Unum phone number 866-779-1054
- Unum Mobile App (Google)
- Unum Mobile App (Apple)
- Supervisors should be directing employees to Unum to enter their time.
Yes. Please email with the details surrounding your employee's FML needs.
May vary; communicated by Unum via the approval notice
If eligible for FML, employees may be eligible for federal leave and/or state leaves.
State leaves will depend on the employees work location. You will receive information
via email from Unum regarding your employee's entitlement.
Sick leave
Sick leave (earnings code 550) is used for all FML absences. Be sure your employees
are completing their time sheets properly and coding their FML time as earnings code
Unum tracks the FML entitlement
Unum does not use the same earnings codes as UAOnline. If you have an employee on
FML, they will enter their sick leave in UAOnline and then reach out to Unum and report
their absence with them separately.
Required to report time to Unum
Employees must report their FML time to Unum to be considered protected under the
No. Time reported to Unum will need to be done directly by the employee. If there are concerns with time reporting (i.e. if the employee is unavailable) please email
Supervisors should never see their employee's medical documentation
No. Supervisors should not have access to any medical data provided on the certification
for a serious health condition. This would include accepting the certification from
the employee and providing it to Unum on the employee's behalf.
FML is unpaid job protection
While FML in unpaid, the university requires that employees use their paid leaves
while on approved FML. To do so, employees must use their sick leave (earnings code
550) when they are absent for FML. If sick leave exhausts, employees must still use
the 550 earnings code. This code will then cascade automatically to annual leave,
faculty time off, and personal holiday. If you do not have sufficient paid leave to
cover your FML event, you are still entitled to take unpaid FML or review on of the
possible salary continuation options available under the drop down "Since FML is unpaid
leave, what are my salary continuation options?" on the main FML webpage.
Salary continuation options
There are a few salary continuation options available to employees out on FML. Review
the salary continuation options on the main FML webpage.
Employees should reach out to their supervisor and Unum
When your employee is returning to work after their FML event, they will need to reach
out to Unum to close out their FML. As a supervisor, you should direct your employee
to Unum to discuss closeout information with Unum.
Three options
If your employee is exhausting their FML entitlement and they are not able to return
to work, there are several options to discuss:
- You can work with your employee directly to continue a schedule that works for both the department and the employee's needs (not FML protected)
- The employee can apply for an American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation. Reach out to to discuss.
- The employee can apply for LTD through Unum
If these options have been exhausted, please reach out to for additional/next steps.