Frequently Asked Questions

The 2025 Rules will be available 9/3/24.

Up to 15 students can be on one team.

Teams should plan to meet regularly one to several times each week to prepare for each event they will be competing in. Team members should also spend time regularly studying specifically for the events they are participating in.

Alaska Science Olympiad has limited funding available to support teams’ travel expenses. Individual teams can also raise funds on their own to secure additional funding for their travel. Contact

Under each Science Olympiad event listed on the national website, there are links to practice tests.

The Science Olympiad Student Center hosts a Test Exchange and a Test Archive on their website, among other helpful free resources, wiki page, chat, forums, and question marathons.

There are also test packets for all events for sale through the Science Olympiad Store, among other kits, starter packs, manuals, DVDs, and a coaching program that are for sale.

Anyone who wants to be a coach! Teachers, other school administrators, parents. However,

all teams must be affiliated with a district school or home school.

It is not required, but we encourage teams to stay overnight and participate in fun evening activities.

The 2025 Science Olympiad National Tournament will be hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln on May 23-24, 2025.

According to Science Olympiad national policy, it is recommended that all public school students may participate in Science Olympiad only as members of a team that is formed in the local public school that they attend. However, very small schools in the same state may combine students to form one team if and only if the total enrollment of the combined schools is less than 300 students. This policy only applies to public schools.