Shaping Alaska's Future
What is Shaping Alaska's Future?
The Shaping Alaska's Future initiative is UA's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. The university is working to modernize, streamline and improve the university system by investing in areas of real need and eliminating barriers to student success. It is our map for negotiating the challenging terrain ahead, and it will guide decisions about people, programs and resources at UA for years to come.
The UA Board of Regents has officially adopted the Shaping Alaska’s Future initiative as board policy and a new booklet that lists the five Shaping themes, the 23 most challenging issues we face as a university system, and the 23 corresponding effects we intend to achieve. Each effect statement is, essentially, a goal we’ve collectively agreed we must attain.
Academic Affairs and Public Affairs have teamed up to revamp the Shaping Alaska's Future website. From here you can find a cool new video that helps set the stage for why the university is commited to Shaping Alaska's Future, including some of the challenges before us, such as low high-school graduation rates, low college-going rates and fairly low college completion rates compared to our peers.
Please take a look at UA's list of "First evers, best evers". This list represents a compilation of achievements and improvements from across the University of Alaska system over the last five years. Efforts to improve graduation rates, streamline administrative processes, provide stronger student services, and create a better university experience have led to numerous measurable advances. Such positive performance outcomes are a validation of Alaska’s investment in the University of Alaska and in the changes we are implementing.
How do we grow...
Student Achievement and Attainment
See how UA is growing Student Achievement and Attainment.
Click here for updated UA metrics directly related to Student Achievement and Attainment
How do we engage in...
Productive Partnerships with Alaska’s Schools
UA is leading this conversation with K12 educators and policy makers throughout the state.
See how UA's Future Educators of Alaska Program is making a difference in one Alaskan community!
How do we create...
Productive Partnerships with Public Entities and Private Industries
UA is Alaska's workforce development training ground. Public entities and private industries are critical to the kinds of training our students receive.
How do we innovate...
Research & Development and Scholarship to Enhance Alaska’s Communities and Economic Growth
UA is the nation's first responder for Arctic research. Find out what the University of Alaska's research scientists are doing to sustain Alaska's communities and grow our state's economy through innovation.
November 2014 - More than $650 million in highly competitive external research funding brought in since FY10, with more than $118 million received in FY14 alone
The University of Alaska's Arctic footprint continues to grow as the demand for more research continues. Click here and take a look at just how much work is being done in Alaska.

- UA is the first choice of state and federal entities and private industries in Alaska to meet their research and development needs.
- UA is a major Alaska center of culture and the arts, with an emphasis on Alaska Native cultures and languages.
- UA is a recognized world leader in arctic research.
- Alaskans and their communities use research-based information, enriched by traditional knowledge, to successfully adapt to change.
- UA recruits and retains top research and development faculty and students and maintains modern, world-class research facilities.
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How can we demonstrate...
Accountability to the People of Alaska
See how UA is building on a commitment of accountability to the people of Alaska by creating conditions for continuous improvement.
Governor Walker Announces the Appointment of Four UA Board of Regents Appointees
UA Board of Regents Approves Shaping Alaska's Future Metric Framework.
UA VP For Finance & Administration Provides FY 16 Budget Challenge Update
November 2014 - Alumni giving increased by 100 percent over the last five years, and the UA Foundation reports FY14 private donations to the UA System at $23 million, a whopping 32 percent over FY13. (These donations must be used specifically where the donor directs, such as specific scholarships or programs.)