Dual Enrollment
UA Dual Enrollment Policy
BOR Policy (P10.05.015)
Dual enrollment refers to enrollment at the university by a student who is simultaneously
enrolled in a K-12 (or homeschool) for which the student may receive credit at both
the K-12 and postsecondary levels. The university encourages dual enrollment. No additional
restrictions on dual enrollment beyond those applicable to all students, or to avoid
violations of law or ensure informed consent by a parent or legal guardian (including
financial obligations), shall be allowed. (03-01-18)
The full policy and regulations are available at: https://www.alaska.edu/bor/
Dual Enrollment Resources
- UA Dual Enrollment Overview
- UA Dual Enrollment Contacts
- UA Career Pathways Framework
- Benefits of Dual Enrollment
- Parent-Guardian Authorization Form
University of Alaska Anchorage
- Secondary Student Registration
- Inventory of High School Courses that Articulate to College Credit
- Access Nontraditional Credit for Work Completed in High Schools
- Middle College Options (Anchorage/Mat-Su)
- Kenai Peninsula College JumpStart Program
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
Dual Enrollment and Middle College Programs
This segment of the "Did You Know?" series takes an in-depth look at dual enrollment programs across the UA system. Dual enrollment pathways, including Middle Colleges, the Alaska Advantage program, ANSEP Acceleration Academies, and other programs, provide a great benefit to Alaskans by improving both high school graduation rates and smoothing pathways to a successful college career -- 56 percent of middle college graduates go on to enroll in a UA degree program. As the state considers legislation introduced to expand middle college programs across the entire state, the University of Alaska system is satisfying a growing demand for dual enrollment programs by offering an increasing number of accessible options for every Alaskan.