Director of Equity and Compliance/Title IX - Mitzi Bolaños Anderson

Mitzi Bolaños Anderson
Director of Equity and Compliance/Title IX
Office of Equity and Compliance
Hendrickson Bldg., Suite 202
The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) announced the appointment of Mitzi Bolaños Anderson as the new Director of Equity and Compliance. Her responsibilities at UAS include Title IX, Equal Employment Opportunity issues, the American Disabilities Act/504 requirements, and Clery Act compliance.
Mitzi brings civil rights enforcement experience at the state and local levels in Alaska. She joined the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights as an Attorney and Mediator in 2017, then joined the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission as Staff Attorney and Executive Director in 2019. Mitzi comes most recently from the Des Moines Civil and Human Rights Commission, where she provided administrative leadership and oversight in the areas of civil rights investigations and community engagement.