Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major UA System news
UA System News
September 14, 2019
Recognizing the importance of the budget and academic issues facing the university, the UA Board of Regents today voted to clarify its earlier position on university structure to make clear it wants to consider both single and multiple university accreditations in the work to redefine UA's structure as it works to strengthen programs and meet state funding reductions.
Board of Regents meet September 12-13
September 07, 2019
The University of Alaska Board of Regents will convene Sept. 12-13 in Anchorage to review the administration's strategic approach for the university's integration. The board originally was scheduled to decide on whether to restructure the university under a single accreditation at this meeting, but when a comprise agreement was reached with Gov. Mike Dunleavy in August, the board terminated its declaration of financial exigency and agreed with UA President Jim Johnsen on a slower approach to the planning effort.
The University is Conducting a Vendor Direct Deposit Recruitment Campaign
September 06, 2019
The University is making a concerted effort to move vendors to an electronic payment method in order to streamline processes and reduce costs. Direct deposit (ACH) is one of two electronic payment options that vendors can choose. The other is Single-Use Account (SUA), which makes use of a "single use" credit card number. To support this effort, there are a few changes to how and when UA pays vendors. For SUA payments, UA will use "Net 15" terms. For direct deposit, payment terms remain at the current thirty days ("Net 30"). When a vendor elects to receive a paper check, we will use "Net 45."
UAA leads the way in technology for blind and low-vision students
September 06, 2019
It's the beginning of fall semester at UAA and you're running late for class, your stress level is already high. You pull into a parking spot, dash across the lot and pull out your schedule because you're not exactly sure where you're going.
Alaska EPSCoR travel funding available
September 06, 2019
Alaska NSF EPSCoR (National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) announces the availability of travel funding to enable UA-affiliated individuals to present their research, to interact with colleagues and mentors, and/or to obtain training in science related to the goals of the EPSCoR Fire and Ice program.
2019 Campus Climate Survey results are now available
September 05, 2019
A report with the results of the 2019 University of Alaska Climate Survey is now available for review on the Title IX Compliance website.
College Savings Month highlights UA's affordable and portable 529 plan
September 05, 2019
September is College Savings Month, a time for families to evaluate their college savings needs and goals, and to take advantage of Alaska's top-rated 529 plan offering, the UA College Savings Plan.
Procurement and Contract Services update
September 03, 2019
Effective Sept. 1, Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) will be integrated across the university system and report to Statewide. The integration follows the Board of Regents direction to consolidate and standardize administrative areas, in response to budget pressures.
Welcome to the University of Alaska fall semester
September 03, 2019
In his weekly video message, President Jim Johnsen welcomes students back to the University of Alaska for the fall semester, and provides an update on what transpired this past summer with the budget and plans to make sure that our students' educational priorities are number one in all we do.
Update on UA restructuring planning process
August 26, 2019
In today's video update President Johnsen discusses the planning process underway in response to the direction passed by the Board of Regents on July 30. President Johnsen outlines the steps being taken toward an inclusive planning process, which includes: