Below you will find HR News for university employees including training, benefits,
compensation, payroll, and other news of importance. For news specific to UA Benefits
including archived news, please see our Benefits News site.
Human Resources News
Flexible spending account deadline is coming June 30
June 07, 2019
The deadline for using up health care and dependent care flex spending account (FSA) funds is June 30. Any funds remaining after June 30th will be forfeited.
Reminders from Human Resources
June 04, 2019
Reminders from UA Human Resources about personal holidays and annual leave.
Human Resources announces system-wide redesign
May 18, 2019
A wholly new single human resources organization will coordinate to provide high-quality service throughout the UA system.
Human Resources May Announcements
May 17, 2019
Reminders from Human Resources about personal holidays and annual leave.
Premera Makes Researching Healthcare Costs Easy with This Tool
May 16, 2019
One of the common complaints about healthcare is surprise costs. It's the reason Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska makes the Find a Doctor tool available to help prevent unexpected bills. With Find a Doctor, Premera members can estimate their medical treatment costs with in-network providers.
Making Healthcare Work Better in Alaska
May 16, 2019
In the United States, people living in rural areas suffer worse health outcomes than those in urban areas. Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska is investing in Alaska communities to increase access to care and support behavioral health services.
April 2019 Human Resources Update
May 04, 2019
Statewide Human Resources is striving to make improvements to the HR System, benefits and procedures to better help employees. Here is an update on system wide projects that are currently in process.
FY20 Benefits Open Enrollment ends May 10
May 02, 2019
There's just one more week left to complete open enrollment. Here's what you should know.
Records request for "Disclosure of Employment or Activities Outside of the University of Alaska"
April 20, 2019
The University has recently received a public records request for "Disclosure of Employment or Activities Outside of the University of Alaska" forms submitted by UA faculty and staff from 2016 to date.
Total Compensation Project Update
April 19, 2019
The original estimated timeline for the completion of the total compensation project that included market analysis and pay equity review for staff, faculty and executives and a UA benefits review did not reflect the extreme complexity of the project. The revised timeline anticipates finishing the market analysis and pay equity analysis by June 2019.