Facilities Inventory

The 2024 Facilities Inventory Report represents a comprehensive listing of physical assets owned and operated by the University of Alaska (UA), which it uses to fulfill its missions of higher education, research, and public service to the people of Alaska. The tables present, in summary form: average age, gross square footage (GSF), facility investment value (including capitalized improvements), and the assets’ facility investment value adjusted to the current year. Facilities are listed by major administrative unit (MAU): University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), University of Alaska Southeast (UAS), and UA System Office (UASO). AiM facilities management software and MAU input is the source of the data used for this publication. The adjusted value referenced in this document was collected fall 2024 and includes capital improvements during fiscal year 2024. 

In fall 2024, the University of Alaska owned 402 facilities (8.2 million gross square feet) with an average age of 37.4 years. Average age reflects building age as provided by the MAUs; however, multiple buildings have been re-aged due to significant upgrades. The total adjusted value of the university’s facilities, including infrastructure and other capital assets, is approximately $6.2 billion. 

  • UAA comprises 40.4 percent of facility GSF, with the majority located on the Anchorage Campus. The remaining facilities are located at the campuses of Kenai Peninsula College with locations in Homer, and Soldotna; Kodiak College on Kodiak Island; Matanuska-Susitna College in Palmer; and Prince William Sound College in Valdez. 
  •  At 50.4 percent of total GSF, UAF has the largest percentage of gross square footage. Greater than half of these facilities are located on the TrothYeddha' Campus, with the remaining facilities located at the: Bristol Bay Campus in Dillingham; Chukchi Campus in Kotzebue; Interior Alaska Campus with locations in Fairbanks and Tok; Kuskokwim Campus in Bethel; Northwest Campus in Nome; UAF Community and Technical College in Fairbanks; and research facilities in Juneau, Kodiak, Seward, Chatanika (Poker Flat), Palmer, and Toolik Lake.
  • UAS is 6.2 percent of the total GSF, with the majority of facilities located on the Juneau campus, and the remaining located at the Sitka and Ketchikan campuses. 
  • UA System Office's percent of total GSF is 3.0 percent, with a majority of facilities split between Fairbanks and Anchorage. 

Infrastructure and other capital assets (OCA) summaries by MAU are included following the full building list. These investments include access roads, utility
lines, parking lots, campus lighting, and other support facility site improvement costs not capitalized in the facilities. Like the facilities, campus infrastructure
and OCA must be maintained. 

A separate section identifying non-UA facilities are also included in this document. Facilities on UA land may eventually become university property when their terms expire. Leased facilities are included in this publication; however, are not included in the facilities summary. 

Please go to the Strategy, Planning, and Budget Office website, to get the most up-to-date Facilities Inventory.