Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions apply to all Fire and Ace awardees. In addition, all awardees are expected to adhere to our Collaboration Agreement. For more information about the project and about Fire and Ice reporting requirements (and social media opportunities), take a look at our Onboarding Packet.
Award Terms and Conditions (also available as a PDF)
- Awardees undertaking research that involves human subjects, vertebrate animals, infectious agents, or recombinant DNA must submit a copy of the appropriate protocol approval letter for the research (IACUC, IRB, or IBC). The copy of protocol approval must be on file prior to commencement of the project.
- All graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows supported through Fire & Ice awards must complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training. Training is offered every semester through the UAF Office of Research Integrity, and Alaska NSF EPSCoR will also offer periodic training as needed. Students and postdocs must register and complete the course at the first opportunity after being awarded, preferably within one year, and their certificate of completion must be on file to be considered for continued award support.
- The awardee must adhere to all University of Alaska and campus policies, UA Board of Regents Policy and Regulations, and the NSF Proposal and Award Policy and Procedures Guide. Please take special note of the University of Alaska’s Institutional policies on invention disclosure and intellectual property.
- The awardee or a team member should be prepared to present the project during a Fire & Ice annual Meeting. Meetings will take place each fall from 2019-20 and each spring from 2022-23, dates to be determined.
- Alaska NSF EPSCoR may modify, suspend, or terminate this award if:
- Alaska NSF EPSCoR’s Leadership and/or Management team are not reasonably satisfied with progress on the project.
- There are significant changes to the scope of work as described in the proposal narrative that did not have prior Alaska NSF EPSCoR approval.
- The awardee fails to comply with any portion of these terms and conditions.
- NSF funding for the Fire & Ice project is terminated or suspended, in which case the award will expire on the date of termination or suspension.
- The awardee must acknowledge Alaska NSF EPSCoR support in any publications, presentations, websites, newsletters, dissertations, theses, etc. that result from said support. Please use the following language: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award #OIA-1757348 and by the State of Alaska."
- The awardee is responsible for the management of the fund and must certify all expenses for accuracy and ensure charges are allowable, allocable and reasonable.
- Funds provided under the award may not be used for any purpose other than as approved in the proposal. These funds may not be used to reimburse any expenses incurred prior to the approved start date of the award.
- Flexibility in the budget is permitted in order to meet project requirements. If,
during the course of the project, the awardee concludes that budget changes are necessary,
they must request prior approval in writing from Alaska NSF EPSCoR for any rebudgeting,
- A 25 or more percent reduction in effort devoted to the project by the awardee or key person(s) specified in the award.
- A change of more than 10% to any budget cost.
- Changes that involve participant support, student costs, or equipment, regardless of the percentage or dollar amount.
- Any award funds that have not been used or committed to the project by the end of each budget year risk being returned to the program and applied to another funded project (current or under consideration) at the discretion of Alaska NSF EPSCoR Management and Leadership teams.
- Requests for no-cost extensions must be received 30 days prior to the award end date.
- Awardee must provide copies of travel (including Concur pending travel figures), procurement, and payroll documents to the Alaska NSF EPSCoR office upon request and in a timely manner.
- Awardee must respond to requests for information about the award from their component
lead(s), from the Alaska NSF EPSCoR central office, and from EPSCoR external evaluators
in a timely manner. Information to be requested includes, but is not limited to:
- Award progress and findings
- Information on award participants, collaborators, and collaborating institutions
- Contact information for participating students, including name, phone, email, campus and degree program
- Engagement, outreach, education and professional development activities undertaken in conjunction with the award, including information on attendance at events or presentations held
- Non-EPSCoR funding to support award activities
- Foreign travel associated with award activities
- Awardee must provide Alaska NSF EPSCoR with image release form and demographic information.
- Awardee must provide Alaska NSF EPSCoR with final product(s), data, and other relevant project deliverables to be uploaded into the EPSCoR Data Portal.
For more detailed information please see the most recent version of the National Science Foundation Financial & Administrative Terms and Conditions.