
Board of Regents


Annual Meeting of the

University of Alaska Board of Regents

June 4, 1999

Fairbanks, Alaska


Regents Present:
Michael J. Burns, Chair
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa, Vice Chair
Annette M. Nelson-Wright, Secretary
Chancy Croft, Treasurer
Mary Jane Fate
Robert A. Malone
Brian D. Rogers
Frances H. Rose
Joe J. Thomas
Joseph E. Usibelli, Jr.

Mark R. Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer and President, University of Alaska

Regents Absent:
R. Danforth Ogg

Others Present:
E. Lee Gorsuch, Chancellor, UAA
Marshall L. Lind, Chancellor, UAS
Joan K. Wadlow, Chancellor, UAF
Jim Lynch, Interim Vice President for Finance & Planning
Wendy Redman, Vice President for University Relations
James A. Parrish, General Counsel
Robert Miller, Director, Public Affairs, SW
Pat Pitney, Director, Institutional Research and Budget, SW
Ann Ringstad, Director, Government Relations, SW
Steve Smith, Chief Technology Officer, SW
Carla Kirts, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, UAF
Paul Reichardt, Provost, UAF
Roberta Stell, Vice Chancellor, UAS
Carol Griffin, Director, Administrative Services, UAS
William S. Rose, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, UAA
Frank Williams, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, UAF
Jeannie D. Phillips, Board of Regents' Officer

I. Call to Order

Board Chair Burns called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon.

II. Adoption of Agenda

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Rogers, and passed unanimously that:

PASSED AS AMENDED (amendments noted by *)

"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

PASSED AS AMENDED (amendments noted by *)

"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Welcome and Introduction of New Board Members

V. Approval of Bylaw Amendment

VI. Election of Board of Regents' Officers

VII. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow

VIII. Presentation by Anchorage Mayor Rick Mystrom

IX. "Make Students Count" Presentation

X. Public Testimony

XI. Presentation: University of Alaska Research

XII. Consent Agenda

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee
*1. Approval of a Master of Fine Arts in Art Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.A.1)

*2. Approval of a Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology Program at the University of Alaska Anchorage (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.A.2)

B. Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee

1. Approval of Corporate Authority Resolution

*2. Approval of Industrial Security Resolution (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.D.1)

3. Approval of Acquisition of Former Coast Guard Facility for Campus Housing at Ketchikan

4. Approval to Rename UAF's East Tanana Drive to Alumni Drive

C. Committee of the Whole

*1. Approval of Temporary Re-Employment for FY99 Retirement Incentive Program Participants (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.1)

*2. Approval of FY2000 Student Government Budgets (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.2)

*3. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Capital Budget (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.3)

*4. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Operating Budget (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.4)

*5. Approval of the Strategic Initiatives for the FY2001 Budget Request (removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.5)

XIII. New Business and Committee Reports

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee
*1. Approval of a Master of Fine Arts in Art Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (from Consent Agenda)

*2. Approval of a Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology Program at the University of Alaska Anchorage (from Consent Agenda)

B. Audit Committee

C. Committee of the Whole

*1. Approval of Temporary Re-Employment for FY99 Retirement Incentive Program Participants (from Consent Agenda)

*2. Approval of FY2000 Student Government Budgets (from Consent Agenda)

*3. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Capital Budget (from Consent Agenda)

*4. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Operating Budget (from Consent Agenda)

*5. Approval of the Strategic Initiatives for the FY2001 Budget Request (from Consent Agenda)

D. Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee

*1. Approval of Industrial Security Resolution (from Consent Agenda)

E. Human Resources Committee

F. Labor Relations Committee

G. Nominating Committee

H. Planning and Development Committee

XIV. Approval of Meeting Schedule

XV. Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Report

XVI. UA Foundation Report

XVII. Report on Joint Meeting of the Board of Regents and the State Board of Education

XVIII. Future Agenda Items

XIX. Executive Session

XX. Board of Regents' Comments

XXI. Adjourn

This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

III. Approval of Minutes

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Demeksa, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of its meeting of April 22-23, 1999 as presented. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

IV. Welcome and Introduction of New Board Members

Regent Burns welcomed Regents Malone and Usibelli to the Board of Regents.

V. Approval of Bylaw Amendment

On May 21, 1999, Regent Rogers transmitted the following request to Annette M. Nelson-Wright, secretary of the Board of Regents:

"Article XI of Regents' Bylaws provides that 'any proposed amendment [to the bylaws] must be filed with the secretary of the Board at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed Bylaw or amendment to these Bylaws will be acted upon, and a copy of the proposed Bylaw or amendment to these Bylaws shall immediately be transmitted by the secretary to each member of the Board.'

Under the provisions of that article, I propose an amendment to the Bylaws changing the titles of officers of the Board of Regents from President and Vice President to Chair and Vice Chair, to be acted upon at the June 4, 1999 meeting of the Board of Regents. This amendment would affect all places in the Bylaws where the title President or Vice President are used to refer to officers of the Board, amending only the titles of the officers, including at a minimum the following sections:

Article II, Sections 3 and 4
Article III, Sections 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3D
Article IV, Section 2, 2B, 2E, 2F, 3
Article V, Section 2"

This message was immediately forwarded to all regents.

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Fate, and passed by unanimous consent that:


"The Board of Regents approves the amendment of Board of Regents' Bylaws to change the title of Board of Regents 'President' or 'Vice President' to Board of Regents 'Chair' or 'Vice Chair'. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

VI. Election of Board of Regents' Officers

In accordance with Regents' Policy 01.01.01, Article III, Section 2, "at the annual meeting of the Board of Regents, the officers of the board shall be elected by a simple majority vote."

A slate of nominees was presented by the Nominating Committee; Regent Nelson-Wright moved that the slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee be elected to the Board of Regents' officer positions. Regent Rogers seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.


"The Board of Regents elects the following officers:

Chair: Michael J. Burns
Vice Chair: Elsa Froehlich Demeksa
Secretary: Mary Jane Fate
Treasurer: Chancy Croft

This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

VII. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow

WHEREAS, Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow is retiring from the University of Alaska Fairbanks after 40 years of dedicated service in the field of higher education at four of the nation's major public institutions; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow received her baccalaureate and doctoral degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and her master's degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and also earned a certificate from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, where she attended as a Rotary Scholar; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow began her academic career in 1959 as a teaching assistant, instructor, and then professor of Political Science, and later moved into higher education administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, serving from 1970 to 1979, first as the vice-chair of the Political Science Department, then as the assistant and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow served at the University of Wyoming from 1979 to 1986 as professor of Political Science, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and then as the vice president for Academic Affairs; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow became the provost at the University of Oklahoma in 1986, serving in that post until 1991; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow began her tenure at UAF in 1991 as the first woman chancellor in the University of Alaska System and has served for the past eight years at the state's land-, sea-, and space-grant institution, dedicating her energies toward developing partnerships with business, industry and the private sector to address Alaska, Arctic and diversity issues; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow has served with distinction at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, forming a long-range plan for the institution; completing a $12.1 million private fundraising campaign entitled northernMomentum, the first ever for the University; and overseeing the completion of critically needed new facilities on the UAF campus, including the Natural Sciences Building and the International Arctic Research Center; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow has furthered the cause of higher education in the state and nation, by increasing the number of student scholarships available, and by her participation on professional boards including the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Board of Directors, the American Council on Education, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Colleges, and the Alaska SeaLife Center; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow has actively participated in community civic activities during her tenure at UAF, serving on the Alaska Airlines Community Advisory Board, the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the Key Bank of Alaska Board of Directors, and as a member of the Fairbanks Rotary Club; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow has served as an inspiration to her colleagues, displaying unflagging dedication and determination in furthering the cause of higher education for the citizens of Alaska; and

WHEREAS, Joan K. Wadlow's love for higher education and commitment to its purpose has been reflected in every aspect of her professional life;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents recognizes the exceptional service of Joan K. Wadlow, and extends to her this official statement of appreciation for her contributions to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and her lifelong commitment to the advancement of higher education throughout the world; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be conveyed to Joan K. Wadlow with a copy incorporated in the official minutes of the June 4, 1999 meeting of the University of Alaska Board of Regents.

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Malone, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the Resolution of Appreciation for Chancellor Joan K. Wadlow. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

VIII. Presentation by Anchorage Mayor Rick Mystrom

Mayor Rick Mystrom, Municipality of Anchorage, presented the Board with $250,000 - the first of three installments that will total $750,000 to aid UAA in launching a new 4-year baccalaureate program in logistics. The funds represent a public-private partnership designed to support the new academic program. Private donors include Federal Express, TOTE, Sealand, and Lynden.

Chair Burns and President Hamilton expressed their thanks and gratitude for the donation and pledged to continue working with the public and private sector to ensure the success of this program.

IX. "Make Students Count" Presentation

President Hamilton presented the awards for the first annual "Make Students Count" program, recognizing staff from each of the MAUs for their outstanding service to students. The awardees were nominated by their peers.

The 1999 Awardees are Colleen Abrams, manager of student information systems in the statewide system office in Fairbanks; Susan Barlow, administrative assistant in distance education at the UAS campus in Sitka; Sue McHenry, a counselor in Rural Student Services at UAF; and Michael Smith, student information office coordinator for the College of Business and Public Policy at UAA.

X. Public Testimony

Senator Gary Wilken, Alaska State Legislature, expressed his desire to work with the board during the inter-session to further the education of legislators regarding the importance of the University of Alaska. Senator Wilken also requested support of the September 14 "balanced budget" vote.

Bob Congdon, president of ACCFT, welcomed new Regents Malone and Usibelli.

Art Buswell, chair of the UAF College of Fellows, thanked the regents for their continuing support the University of Alaska.

Jean Richardson, representative for Coalition of Student Leaders, reported on new student leadership at the campuses: Stacy Banks, ASUAF president; Megan Hall, USUAA president; and Rosie Gilbert, USUAS president; on the hiring of a new coordinator for the Coalition of Student Leaders; and, on behalf of the Coalition of Student Leaders, presented a certificate of appreciation for the efforts of Annette Nelson-Wright during her tenure as student regent and chair of the Coalition.

Regent Nelson-Wright thanked Rosie Gilbert for her work as Student Commissioner for the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education.

Marie Scholle, UAF Staff Council representative, read a resolution of support for President Hamilton's work with the Staff Alliance of the University of Alaska.

Irene Downes, Staff Alliance representative from UAF, reported on the efforts of the Staff Alliance, including work on the grievance policy, health care benefits and the UA 2000 plan; lobbying efforts during the legislative session; status reports on projects of the local staff councils; and introduced the other new members of the Staff Alliance: Judy Michael and Dave Woodley, UAA; Tish Griffin and Sheri Gray, UAS; Leafy McBride and David Rohwer, Statewide Administration. Ms. Downes also expressed the Staff Alliance's appreciation for the work of Patty Kastelic and presented her with a plaque and gift.

Ron Gatterdam, president of UAF Faculty Senate, expressed his concerns regarding the proposed information resources policy regarding possible issues of invasion of privacy and academic freedom.

Grant Baker, UAA Engineering faculty member, reported on Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Council meetings he had attended where the Council had discussed the possibility of setting up endowed chairs could be set up with the distribution of the $115 million available from the fund. Trustee Council meets on August 10 to discuss how to make the most of the $115 million designated for research and needs plans on how to best do this.

Rosie Gilbert and Kean Nuttall, USUAS, reported on the planning process for the new student union building in Juneau, and thanked Regent Nelson-Wright for her service on the board.

Ron Dixon, member of the Tanana Valley Campus Advisory Council, thanked the board, President Hamilton, and Chancellor Wadlow for their support of the Hutchison Career Center renovation project; and asked for support of a nursing program in the Fairbanks area.

Michael Jennings, president of United Academics, welcomed the new regents, and extended his hope that United Academics will continue to work collegially and cooperatively with administration and regents.

Jake Poole, executive director of the UAF Alumni Association, reported on activities of the Alumni Association, including efforts to educate legislators, the passage of a joint resolution from the three alumni associations to the legislature supporting the university's budget request, and lobbying efforts with students. He also invited the board to attend the Alumni picnic on July 23 where former Regent Mike Kelly will be recognized as a distinguished alumnus. He added his special thanks to Chancellor Wadlow for her support and leadership of the UAF Alumni Association.

XI. Presentation: University of Alaska Research

As part of the University of Alaska's ongoing planning process, President Hamilton has instituted a program for the Board of Regents that explores the six planning elements that will be used to analyze future strategic initiatives. These six elements are:

~ State Needs
~ Students
~ Faculty and Staff
~ Facilities and Technology
~ Academic Programs/Curriculum
~ Research

The Board of Regents heard presentations from the Department of Labor on employment trends in February; a report on Information Technology was given in April.

At this meeting, the Board of Regents heard a presentation regarding research at the University of Alaska. Provosts Dan Johnson, UAA and Paul Reichardt, UAF reported on research projects at their respective campuses, and Vice President for Finance Jim Lynch gave a presentation regarding overhead.

XII. Consent Agenda

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee
1. Approval of a Master of Fine Arts in Art Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.A.1

2. Approval of a Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology Program at the University of Alaska Anchorage

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.A.2

B. Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee

1. Approval of Corporate Authority Resolution Reference 7


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the Corporate Authority Resolution, as may be revised to reflect any change in names or titles of officers resulting from the annual election of officers, and authorizes the President and Secretary of the Board of Regents to sign the resolution. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

2. Approval of Industrial Security Resolution

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.D.1

3. Approval of Acquisition of Former Coast Guard Facility for Campus Housing at Ketchikan Reference 9

Note: the Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee modified the motion to revise 4. from " approve the resolution set forth in Reference 9" to "approves the resolution authorizing the request for and acquisition of certain federal surplus property in Ketchikan, Alaska." Chair Burns ruled that this did not substantively change the motion and allowed it to remain on the Consent Agenda.


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee recommends that the Board of Regents:

1. acknowledge the use restrictions imposed by the U.S. Secretary of Education;

2. direct the UAS chancellor or designee to annually set aside sufficient funding to ensure success of the educational use of the facility as described above;

3. authorize the director of the Statewide Office of Land Management or designee to execute any and all documents necessary to apply for, acquire, and maintain ownership of the property and improvements located at 3615 Baranof Avenue in Ketchikan, Alaska (Lot 7-A, Block 3, U.S. Survey 1812) in accordance with use restrictions imposed by the U.S. Secretary of Education; and

4. approves the resolution authorizing the request for and acquisition of certain federal surplus property in Ketchikan, Alaska.

This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

4. Approval to Rename UAF's East Tanana Drive to Alumni Drive Reference 10


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the waiver of policy 05.12.07(A)(2) and the renaming of 'East Tanana Drive' on the UAF campus to 'Alumni Drive'. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

Regent Demeksa moved, seconded by Regent Fate, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves recommendations 1, 3, and 4 of the Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee as stated above. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

C. Committee of the Whole

1. Approval of Temporary Re-Employment for FY99 Retirement Incentive Program Participants

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.1

2. Approval of FY2000 Student Government Budgets Reference 1

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.2.

3. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Capital Budget

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.3.

4. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Operating Budget

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.4.

5. Approval of the Strategic Initiatives for the FY2001 Budget Request

Removed from Consent Agenda to New Business, Item XIII.C.5.

XIII. New Business and Committee Reports

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee
1. Approval of a Master of Fine Arts in Art Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Reference 5

The following motion was presented to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee for approval.


"The Academic and Student Affairs Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the Master of Fine Arts in Art degree program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, with the stipulation that the program be self-supported and be reviewed for continuation after five years. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

After discussion in the committee, it was recommended that the phrase " with the stipulation that the program be self-supported" be revised to read "with the stipulation that the program not require additional funding from outside the University of Alaska Fairbanks".

Regent Croft moved, seconded by Regent Thomas, and passed by unanimous consent that:


"The Board of Regents approves the Master of Fine Arts in Art degree program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, with the stipulation that the program not require additional funding from outside the University of Alaska Fairbanks and be reviewed for continuation after five years. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

2. Approval of a Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology Program at the University of Alaska Anchorage Reference 6

The following motion was presented to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee for approval:


"The Academic and Student Affairs Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology degree program at the University of Alaska Anchorage, with the stipulation that the program be self-supported and be reviewed for continuation after five years. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

After discussing the program, the committee revised the motion to replace the phrase "with the stipulation that the program be self-supported" with "the President is authorized to assess additional tuition and/or fees to support expanded programs".

The Academic and Student Affairs Committee recommended the following motion be approved by the Full Board:


"The Board of Regents approves the Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology degree program at the University of Alaska Anchorage, with the stipulation that the President is authorized to assess additional tuition and/or fees to support expanded programs and that the program be reviewed for continuation after five years. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

Regent Rogers moved to amend the motion to replace the phrase " . . . President is authorized to assess additional tuition and/or fees to support expanded programs" with " . . . the Board authorizes an additional fee of $55 per credit hour." The amendment was approved on a vote of 9 to 1.

The motion, as amended, was then approved by unanimous consent:


"The Board of Regents approves the Master of Arts in General and Applied Anthropology degree program at the University of Alaska Anchorage, with the stipulation that the Board authorizes an additional fee of $55 per credit hour and that the program be reviewed for continuation after five years. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

3. Committee Report

In addition to action items, the Academic and Student Affairs Committee also heard a presentation regarding the University of Alaska Scholars Award Program.

B. Audit Committee

Regent Croft presented the following written report:

The Audit Committee met to hear reports on the following:

1. Review of recently completed audits

2. Status report on the FY1999 annual audit plan

3. Presentation on performance audits

The following topics were heard under New Business:

1. Approval of the FY2000 Annual Audit Plan

"The Board of Regents' Audit Committee approves the annual audit plan for FY2000 as presented. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

2. Evaluation of Internal Audit Staffing Level

The committee had an extensive discussion regarding needed staffing levels within the Internal Audit department but failed to approve a motion regarding a change in its composition.

3. Internal Controls Presentation

Due to lack of time, this item was deferred until the November 1999 Audit Committee meeting.

Committee members requested the following as future agenda items:

1. When audit universes are presented in the future, that they include the dates of past audits for each entry.

2. Discussion regarding the Internal Audit policy regarding who instigates an audit, and who can halt its progress.

3. Discussion regarding the process for follow-up audits and actions that would be taken if initial recommendations have not been followed.

4. Report on implementation of Banner at the Geophysical Institute.

5. Report on resources expended for the internal audit function at all MAUs.

6. Further discussion regarding staffing needs in the Internal Audit department at Statewide Administration.

C. Committee of the Whole

1. Approval of Temporary Re-Employment for FY99 Retirement Incentive Program Participants

Due to lack of time, the Committee of the Whole was unable to address this item and asked that it be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approval during the Full Board meeting.

The administration requested that two names be added to the original list. Chair Burns ruled that the names could be added as a friendly amendment.

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Nelson-Wright, and approved unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the appointment of H. John Barrier, Brenda Baxter, Sandra Burnett, Grace Chang, Dave Dobberpuhl, Eleanor Evans, Helen Howard, Amey Houtchens, Ron Korpela, Johni Meshell, Valerie Scullion, Carolyne Wallace, Ann WingQuest, and Irma Jean Zito, to a temporary position or project, contract not to exceed 49 percent of their previous base salary. These appointments may not include retirement, health or leave benefits, except social security replacement if required by the IRS. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

2. Approval of FY2000 Student Government Budgets Reference 1

Due to lack of time, the Committee of the Whole was unable to address this item and asked that it be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approval during the Full Board meeting.

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Nelson-Wright, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the FY2000 student government budgets as presented in Reference 1. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

3. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Capital Budget

Due to lack of time, the Committee of the Whole was unable to address this item and asked that it be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approval during the Full Board meeting.

Regent Fate requested that the phrase "and Y2K" be added to the motion. There was consensus that this be a friendly amendment.

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Malone, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the distribution plan for the FY2000 capital budget and Y2K appropriation as presented. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

4. Approval of the Distribution Plan for the FY2000 Operating Budget

Due to lack of time, the Committee of the Whole was unable to address this item and asked that it be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approval during the Full Board meeting.

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Thomas, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the distribution plan for the FY2000 state general fund operating budget appropriation as presented. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

5. Approval of the Strategic Initiatives for the FY2001 Budget Request Reference 2

Due to lack of time, the Committee of the Whole was unable to address this item and asked that it be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approval during the Full Board meeting.

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Rogers, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the strategic initiatives as presented in Reference 2 as the basis for planning program responses for the FY2001 budget request. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

6. Committee Report

The Committee of the Whole heard a presentation regarding the UA Schools of Education restructuring and progress in meeting accreditation criteria; and received the President's Report on current activities.

D. Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee

1. Approval of Industrial Security Resolution Reference 8

The following motion was presented to the Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee for approval:


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the Industrial Security Resolution, as revised to reflect the appointment of new regents and any change in titles of various regents resulting from the annual election of officers, and authorizes the President and Secretary of the Board of Regents to sign the resolution. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

Regent Rogers asked that this item be pulled off the Consent Agenda and moved to amend the motion to add the phrase "and chancellors" and change the word "president" to "chair" due to the Bylaw revision approved earlier in the meeting. The amendments were accepted by the Full Board as friendly.

Regent Rogers moved, seconded by Regent Nelson-Wright, and approved unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the Industrial Security Resolution, as revised to reflect the appointment of new regents and chancellors and any change in titles of various regents resulting from the annual election of officers, and authorizes the Chair and Secretary of the Board of Regents to sign the resolution. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

2. Committee Report

Regent Demeksa submitted the following written report:

The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee approved that the following items be forwarded to the Full Board for approval on its Consent Agenda:

1. Corporate Authority Resolution: the committee made slight modifications to wording in the resolution.

2. Industrial Security Resolution

3. Acquisition of Former Coast Guard Facility for Campus Housing for Ketchikan: paragraph 4 was revised as follows:

"4. approve the resolution set forth in Reference 9 authorizing the request for and acquisition of certain federal surplus property in Ketchikan, Alaska."

The committee also heard reports regarding:

1. Coal-Water Fuel Project

2. Status Report on Construction in Progress and Other Projects

Under New Business, the committee authorized the administration to proceed with the following:

1. Approval of Eagle Bluff subdivision development and land sale in Haines, Alaska

Committee members requested the following items be considered on agendas or as action items in the future:

1. Tour of UAA Housing during board meeting in Anchorage on September 30/October 1.

2. Report on SFOS Operating Plan and Facilities Needs on the September 30/October 1 meeting.

3. Request that UAF and System administration resolve proprietary issues regarding the Coal-Water Fuel Project and report back to the committee at its August 1999 meeting.

E. Human Resources Committee

No report.

F. Labor Relations Committee

No report.

G. Nominating Committee

Regent Thomas, chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that the Nominating Committee had met to determine a slate of officers for FY2000 and had presented it to the Full Board.

H. Planning and Development Committee

No report.

XIV. Approval of Meeting Schedule

After discussion by the Board, the following schedule was approved for Board of Regents' meetings in FY00 and FY01.

FY00 Meeting Dates - Location
August 19-20, 1999 - Seward
September 30/October 1, 1999 - Anchorage
November 18-19, 1999 - Fairbanks
February 17-18, 2000 - Juneau
April 20-21, 2000 - Juneau
June 8-9, 2000 - Anchorage

FY01 Meeting Dates - Location
August 17-18, 2000 - Kodiak
October 5-6, 2000 - TBA
November 16-17, 2000 - TBA
February 15-16, 2001 - TBA
April 19-20, 2001 - TBA
June 14-15, 2001 - TBA

Regent Croft moved, seconded by Regent Rogers, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the FY00-01 Meeting Schedules as revised. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

XV. Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Report

No report.

XVI. UA Foundation Report

No report.

XVII. Report on Joint Meeting of the Board of Regents and the State Board of Education

On Thursday, June 3, the Board of Regents met with the State Board of Education in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's conference room. After welcomes and introductions, the two boards discussed items of mutual interest including:

~ Teacher Preparation, including the fifth year program plans at UAA, UAF, UAS; certification of BEd graduates after 2002; and continuing professional development needs.

~ Alaska Quality Schools Initiative including primary areas of concern:

-- how to provide advanced coursework to those who pass the High School Graduation Qualifying exam in the sophomore or junior year.

-- how to provide assistance to those who hold a certificate of attendance to prepare them to pass the High School Graduation Qualifying exam.

~ Coordination of high school standards with criteria for admission to UA programs.

~ Joint use of facilities and people in rural areas.

It was requested that an annual meeting be held with the two boards and that subcommittees of each board meet on a more frequent basis.

XVIII. Future Agenda Topics

No topics were requested.

XIX. Executive Session

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Nelson-Wright, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents goes into executive session at 5:40 p.m. A.D.T in accordance with the provisions of AS 44.62.310 to discuss matters the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse effect on the finances of the university related to:

~ Litigation
~ Labor
~ Land
~ Contract Negotiations

and matters that would affect the reputation or character of a person or persons including:

~ Personnel Matters

The session will include members of the Board of Regents, President Hamilton, General Counsel Parrish, and such other university staff members as the president may designate and will last approximately one hour. Thus, the open session of the Board of Regents will resume in this room at approximately 6:40 p.m. A.D.T. This motion is effective June 4, 1999."

The Board of Regents concluded an executive session at 6:40 p.m. A.D.T. in accordance with AS 44.62.310 discussing matters the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse effect on the finances of the university; and matters that would affect the reputation or character of a person or persons. The session included members of the Board of Regents, President Hamilton, General Counsel Parrish, and other university staff members designated by the president and lasted approximately one hour.

XX. Board of Regents' Comments

Regent Thomas stated his support of the strategic initiatives; stressed the importance of both internal and external support for funding; and voiced his support of holding two meetings per year in Juneau.

Regent Rogers asked that a thank you letter be sent to Mayor Mystrom and the private donors who are contributing to the logistics program

Regent Croft reported on the commencements he attended in Bethel and Sitka and his two delightful encounters with Professor Cecelia Martz who spoke at both commencements.

Regent Fate spoke of her enjoyment in attending the commencements; thanked Chancellor Wadlow for her great contributions to the University; welcomed the new chancellors; and encouraged the board to be active during the next legislative session.

Regent Malone stated his pleasure at attending his first meeting and his enthusiasm for the strategic initiatives; and spoke of his excitement of the University's chances of advancing the state's economic development.

Regent Rose encouraged regents to go on facilities tours of the different campuses; and echoed the enthusiasm of other regents regarding attending the campus commencements.

Regent Usibelli stated his pleasure of being on the board and his feelings that this was a productive meeting; and spoke of his enthusiasm for continued cooperation with the state Board of Education.

Regent Burns, on behalf of Regent Demeksa, thanked Regent Nelson-Wright for her dedication as student regent.

Regent Burns wished God speed to Joan and Dick Wadlow; thanked Regent Nelson-Wright for her service on the board; thanked UAF for their tremendous efforts in putting together the student showcase, highlighting student work at UAF; and expressed his concern that the university must hire more faculty and staff in order to bolster the university's research programs

Regent Nelson-Wright expressed her gratitude to all for making her term on the Board of Regents a great experience.

XXI. Adjourn

Board Chair Burns adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.