May 21, 1997 Summary

Board of Regents


Special Meeting

May 21, 1997


1. Directives to University President Regarding University of Alaska Technology Development Corporation

"The Board of Regents directs the president to:

1. convey the Board of Regents' gratitude to the Board of Directors of the University of Alaska Technology Development Corporation (UATDC) for that organization's success in developing enthusiasm for technology transfer within the university's faculty and staff, identifying compliance requirements associated with the development of intellectual property under federal grants and contracts, and its dedication to developing opportunities for the commercialization of the university's intellectual property;

2. serve notice of intent to terminate or modify all existing agreements with the UATDC;

3. propose the establishment of a new relationship with UATDC; and

4. report to the Board of Regents' Committee of the Whole at its September 1997 meeting regarding the president's recommendation concerning the establishment of a new relationship with UATDC and/or staffing assignments made to ensure that the educational and compliance functions will be adequately performed.

This motion is effective May 21, 1997."

2. Request for Report on Intellectual Property Education and Compliance Functions

"The Board of Regents of the University of Alaska directs the president of the University of Alaska to report to the Board of Regents in September 1997 regarding education and compliance functions relative to patents and copyrights obtained by personnel while under employment of the University of Alaska.

This report should include ways and means of evaluating and commercializing intellectual property without jeopardizing the University of Alaska's property rights or author's intellectual property right to full royalties or proceeds as a result of the commercialization of the property.

This motion is effective May 21, 1997."