Grant Writing Resources


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Alaska's Funding Landscape in 2025

The Trump administration has new funding priorities and has made changes to many federal funding opportunities. The “Explore Funders” page has been updated to reflect these shifts. Several Alaskan organizations have developed resources to address the changing funding environment for the state, including the Foraker Group, which offers information specific to Alaska non-profits, and the Alaska Municipal League, which has a new Navigating Federal Funding page. The Alaska Grant Writing Network will continue to provide updates to its members on changes to the grant-seeking landscape.



Our Mission

The Alaska Grant Writing Network aims to help aspiring and practicing grant writers obtain the knowledge they need to write successful proposals.


About Us

The Alaska Grant Writing Network was founded in 2023 to help Alaskans locate funding opportunities, write better proposals, and collaborate with each other. The Network, which originated in the UAA Department of Writing, is a collaborative effort between faculty at the University of Alaska Anchorage, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and University of Alaska Southeast.

This website, the first phase of the Network, offers a range of grant writing resources, from lists of funders to open grant opportunities of interest to Alaskans to sample proposals, along with information on grant writing classes and workshops. Ultimately, the Network aims to establish a Community of Practice for grant writers in Alaska, with a newsletter and regular meetings. If you'd like to receive updates about our efforts, please sign up for our mailing list. We promise we won't spam you or share your information.