Remote Work Policy and Procedure Feedback Request

July 9, 2021

The Post-COVID Remote Work project team is working to review existing university policy and regulations to develop regulation and procedure recommendations that will allow supervisors the flexibility to make the best business decisions for their departments and allow greater employee engagement. We are anticipating that updated regulations and related guidance will be finalized no later than August 1, 2021.

As of June 24, proposed remote work regulations are ready for initial review and feedback. Please read through the proposed regulation and the summary of changes listed below. The project team would appreciate UA employees sharing thoughts and feedback on this proposal by completing the Proposed Regulations Feedback Form

The team is also gathering recommendations for learning objectives to create training and other resource material to support long-term remote work arrangements.  Please feel free to answer the additional optional questions on the feedback form to assist us in this effort.

Responses are due by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact Jess Allard at Email addresses will be collected as part of the commenting process in case the project teams would like to reach out to you for further discussions.

Proposed Regulations

As per the request of UA leadership, the Post-COVID Project Team is recommending changes to R04.05.051 Telework regulation. 

Summary of Changes

Changes to the regulations include:

  • Changing the name of the regulation from Telework to Remote Work to reflect the current industry standard.
  • Consolidating the regulation to remove repeated items that are found in other chapters of the BOR policy and regulations.
  • Clarifying the role of the supervisor in approving remote work arrangements.
  • Clarifying the additional obligations that an employee has under an approved remote work arrangement.
  • Clarifying the circumstances when a formal remote work agreement is required.

All comments will be reviewed by the project teams and the proposed regulations will be revised and sent to President Pitney for review and approval by the end of July.