Long shadows on a lake in Fairbanks, late February. Photo: K-12 Outreach Staff.
March 2021 — Volume 4 Number 2
K-12 Outreach at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is committed to partnerships that support quality education for Alaska. We endeavor to do this by:
- Helping to grow Alaska's own educators
- Supporting educational agencies to recruit quality educators
- Providing individualized support to new teachers
- Supporting place-based education
- Helping to increase the effectiveness and retention of teachers
More about our Mission
We would like to hear from you! Recognizing that Alaska suffers from challenges in teacher retention, we strive to recruit, retain, foster, and support teachers from before their career and throughout. We strive to achieve this through partnerships and welcome your input. |
ATP Job Fairs are all virtual this year
Alaska Teacher Placement has scheduled teacher job fairs for the 2021 recruiting season. We have shifted to all-virtual job fairs this year, due to Covid-19. Our office is working with vFairs to host our events. Our usual Anchorage job fair was held on the virtual vFairs© platform, March 27th.

The tailored virtual platform of vFairs helps candidates and districts to connect, as well as being able to network.
We will host two other virtual job fairs, April 22 from 2-5 pm AST and May 20, 2-5 pm AST. These will take the place of our usual in-person job fairs we host in the spring. If you or someone you know is interested in participating in either of these, please contact our office.

vFairs virtual environment helps candidates and school districts connect, while also giving a simulated in-person feel.
Our office has added a long term sub list to our services. Candidates who are interested in long term sub positions fill out the form located on the ATP homepage. That list is forwarded to our districts on a monthly basis. If you have any questions or need a copy of the current list, please contact our office or email tlmcfadden@alaska.edu.
We want to hear from you. If your district has a recruiting need or a suggestion to improve the services of ATP please let us know. We are here to serve you and your recruiting needs.
Find out more on our website, or for more information, email us. Like us on Facebook. |
Educators Rising Alaska hosted their annual Student Leadership Conference virtually this year, February 25th - March 1st. This year's theme, Rising Above Adversity, was created by the EdRising AK Student Officers. The aptly named theme was reflective of the challenges we faced putting on a conference this year amid Covid-19. Educators Rising Alaska and the K-12 team came together to host an entirely virtual conference. Without the need for travel, participation remained high and students from very remote areas were able to attend.
This leadership conference followed several days of virtual competitions with categories such as Public Speaking, Inside Our Schools, Lesson Planning, and Children's Literature. Other events included ALEKS Testing, Writing Testing, Leadership Activities, Photo Booth, Scavenger Hunt, and many inspiring presenters and speakers helped to create a more fulfilling conference.

Giaana Peterson (left front), Teller advisor for EdRising AK, joins her students for the Photobooth. Photo: Alaska Photobooth Company©.
We had an inspiring list of presenters - all of whom are champions of education - including Nick Hansen (Eskimo Ninja Warrior), National Student Officer José Carrillo, Unangax̂ dancer Haliehana Stepetin, UA President Pitney, Teacher of The Year Amy Gallaway and fellow-teacher Heather Damario, CNSM Dean Doerner, Pavva Iñupiaq Dancers, Alaska Department of Education Commissioner Johnson, UAF Vice Chancellor Champagne, UA College of Education Dr. Steve Atwater and recruiter David Song, and UAA Admissions.

Amy Gallaway (left), 2020 Teacher of the Year, spoke at our conference, requesting she co-present with her friend and coworker, teacher Heather Damario. Photo: Screen capture from Zoom platform.
Our conference goal every year is to inspire students to become educators in Alaska communities, as well as strengthening leadership skills and learning about degree programs and university admissions processes.
The 3-credit UAS ED122 course will be offered in the 2021-22 school year. Again there will be options of dual enrollment or a direct-led UAS course to choose from. A comprehensive pacing guide, syllabus, all curriculum materials and dual enrollment guide are all available through the Educators Rising Alaska website Don't miss this opportunity for students to earn UA credits that are paid for through Educators Rising Alaska.

Haliehana Alaĝum Ayagaa Stepetin, Unangax̂ dancer, PhD candidate and entrepreneur from Akutan, led a dance for attendees, as did Pavva, a community dance group from Fairbanks, led by Dr. Topkok and his wife, Amy.Photo: Screen capture from Zoom platform.
If you, your school district, or someone you know might benefit from Educators Rising, or if you would like to learn more, or have a comment or concern, please contact our offices. We are here to help grow and nurture the next generation of educators. Please email us at: uaf-edrisingak@alaska.edu
Teacher Ambassadors Sharing Knowledge (TASK) fosters cultural exchange between Hawaiian and rural Alaskan teachers. Teachers in both Alaska and Hawai‘i collaborate remotely on place-based culturally relevant science lessons. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, TASK shifted from in-person workshops to virtual learning, which allows teachers to continue collaboration with their peers and learn from experts in STEM and cultural education.

The Paepae o He'eia fishpond is on the eastern side of Oahu. Paepae o He’eia is a private non-profit organization dedicated to caring for He’eia Fishpond – an ancient Hawaiian fishpond located in He’eia, Ko’olaupoko, O’ahu. Screenshot of recent virtual meeting from Sam Norlin.
The TASK project has designed a series of virtual Hawai’i and Alaska based virtual workshops. Teachers have been participating in place-based workshops and recently have been learning about the Paepae o He'eia fishpond, including Native Hawaiian fishpond history, science and educational opportunities. Teachers recently had their virtual first-hand tour of the fishpond and watched live, underwater as fish entered and exited the pond while education coordinator Kanaloa Bishop described the cultural importance of Native Hawaiian fishponds.
Future virtual workshops will include several days focused on drone use in place-based
education. Teachers will be equipped with drones and instructed on how to use drones and other remote sensing technology for use in terrestrial surveying, surveilance of endangered species, analyzing land features - such as the study of human impact on the environment - and how to convert drone footage measurements to actual distances for local mapping purposes.
TASK is also collaborating with marine education specialists at Hanauma Bay, part of the University of Hawai’i Sea Grant College Program. The Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve is home to some of the most colorful, unique marine life in the world and teachers will learn from experts about the science of fish conservation and ways to implement these activities into their classroom teaching.
Our Placed-based Curriculum department is constantly scanning and applying for grants and partnerships that encourage curriculum for indigenous populations. Please let us know how we can offer services for your district or how we might form a partnership by contacting us.
Find out more on our TASK website

Paepae o He'eia fishpond education coordinator Kanaloa Bishop gave a virtual first-hand tour of the pond. Screenshot of virtual pond tour from Sam Norlin.
Every student in Alaska deserves the benefit of a great teacher.
Great teachers help our children to learn, grow, and thrive. They make learning exciting and tap into the knowledge, skills, and resources of local communities to help students achieve both personal and academic success.
Our mission is to give new teachers the support they need to succeed.
As you may know, the Alaska Statewide Mentor Project exists to lift up and support the profession of teaching in Alaska. The project provides individualized support to first- and second-year teachers. We make a difference in teacher retention, student achievement, and teacher quality.
This school year, our innovative, responsive mentors have been supporting early career teachers across the state of Alaska as teachers navigate the challenges of educating students during a pandemic.

Mentor Sandi Boyd working wherever and whenever she can, during this past year of mentoring ECTs remotely. Photo: Dave Boyd.
Great appreciation goes to the many districts who support ASMP’s mission by cost-sharing. This partnership builds on the shared vision of Alaska's newest teachers receiving year-long, embedded support and instructional coaching.

Mentor Ed Sotelo observes one of his ECTs, remotely, and can later offer his constructive observations with the ECT. Photo courtesy of Ed Sotelo.
We would like to hear from you. This ever-changing landscape provides new opportunities for partnership and collaboration. What resources can ASMP help you provide? What is your vision for your early career teachers? Do you have building-wide professional development needs? Perhaps we can team with you.

Mentor Bob Williams displays his work station, complete with a microphone, headset and speakers, so he can remotely communicate with his ECTs. Photo: Bob Williams.
Please contact us with ideas, suggestions, and needs. We are here for you. Program Manager: Sue McIntosh (907) 590-7490 or email.
Find out more on our website. |

K-12 Outreach Offices
5th Floor Lathrop Hall
1860 Tanana Loop or
P.O. Box 755400
Fairbanks AK 99775
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