
UA Strategic Direction Update

The UA Strategic Direction Initiative is in its early stages. Across the system, leaders are discussing the themes that arose during a recent UA Statewide Planning Meeting with UA governance groups. The themes identified were:

  • Student Achievment and Attainment
  • Productive Partnerships with Alaska's Schools
  • Productive Partnerships with Alaska's Public and Private Industries
  • Research and Development to Build and Sustain Alaska's Economic Growth
  • Accountability to the People of Alaska

It’s important to note that the themes may evolve throughout the SDI process to better reflect the changes, analysis, and new information that will continue rise throughout the organization. The online page, “What is SDI?” contains a set of guiding principles that shape the themes in the SDI process.

“Finding the Right Solutions”

UA Statewide leaders and the Chancellors are already engaging faculty, staff, and student governance leaders in order to begin a dialogue that addresses issues, defines problems, and consolidates the best data available in order to identify root causes, construct clear statements of need, and begin working on improved desired outcomes. �

UA Faculty and staff will play a key role by identifying, implementing, and monitoring the best paths to take in order to address the issues and problems that arise within each of the themes. The resource requirements and the cost benefit analysis of each path chosen will also be addressed. Your participation counts. Improving the products and services you deliver through your work place is the best way to influence outcomes.

“What is your role in SDI?”

Be proactive, ask questions of your department manager, your dean, or anyone in a leadership role and find out how you can get involved. Log on to our site and find out about Shaping Alaska’s Future 2017” . Go to our What is SDI” page and find out about the SDI process. Take a minute and complete the SDI online survey . Your feedback is important to us!

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